What Your Kids May be Learning in Liberal Universities and Why You Should Care
What Your Kids May be Learning in Liberal Universities and Why You Should Care About The DEI CRT Dilemma and The Creation of Hate
One of the biggest buzzwords in higher education today is DEI - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Proponents presented it as a social justice initiative. However, it has become apparent that the DEI CRT dilemma and the creation of hate toward white individuals, has been taken too far, and is affecting the quality of education students receive. In this article, I will explore the impact of DEI on college students and why you should care about your or your child's education in DEI-focused universities.
What is DEI, and How Did it Make its Way into Our Universities? DEI stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The movement states that it is to create a more diverse and inclusive environment within our social institutions, such as early education, universities, and workplaces. The idea claims to promote equality and fairness for all individuals, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or other factors. While the concept of DEI is admirable, it has proven to promote racism, hate, and division within America's social structure. In addition, it should also be noted that this is not solely an American issue, as the division is also witnessed across the pond in the United Kingdom. The origins of DEI can be traced back to the civil rights movement of the 1960s. However, it was in the 1990s that the term gained popularity in the corporate world. Today, DEI is a hot topic in higher education, and many universities have implemented DEI initiatives on their campuses. While the goal is to create a more inclusive environment, the impact of these initiatives on students is causing concern. The Impact of DEI on College Students and How it is Indoctrinating Americans It has become apparent that DEI initiatives promote a specific ideology indoctrinating students. Many students feel pressured to conform to the prevailing ideology on campus, and those who don't risk being ostracized. While DEI aims to promote inclusion and diversity, the majority of Americans argue it creates an environment disguised as political correctness that stifles free speech and critical thinking, which was most recently witnessed at Stanford University. DEI initiatives have also been criticized for creating a victim mentality among non-white students and hate toward the white population. The focus on diversity and inclusion can lead to a sense of entitlement and victimhood, where students feel they are owed something because of their race, gender, or other factors. This mentality can damage students' mental health and hinder their ability to succeed in the real world due to this widely accepted use of gaslighting our students into believing DEI ideologies. Examples of DEI Initiatives in Universities - University of Oklahoma, Cornell University, UCLA, and Stanford University The University of Oklahoma is located in a conservative state and has implemented a mandatory diversity training program for all incoming students. While the program's goal is to promote inclusion and diversity, many students feel it promotes a specific ideology and stifles free speech. The program covers topics such as microaggressions, privilege, and allyship. The University of Oklahoma's Mental Health program reportedly incorporates the textbook written by Gerald Wing Sue, David Sue, Helen A. Neville, and Laura Smith, titled Counseling the Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice. A book that teaches white identity models shames capitalism, promotes collectivism, and directly blames the white population for society's ills. The University of Oklahoma isn't alone; as many have said, it has made its way into other conservative states such as Texas, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Wyoming, Tennessee, Utah, and West Virginia. In more widely accepted liberal states such as California, many straight white students feel they're being hung out to dry with no protection or support from university administrations or college police. The most recent example is witnessed at the San Fransico State University campus, where an angry mob of protestors unlawfully held Riley Gains against her will for three hours while campus police stood by and school administration bargained for her release. To date, it has not been reported that anyone from the mob has been held accountable. In April of 2023, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit judge Kyle Duncan was invited to the Stanford University campus. He was bullied and mocked by liberal students imbued with the DEI ideology. What was to be an educational opportunity for students of the Federalist Society proved to be nothing more than a modern-day lynching of oppositional ideas. Standford has implemented a Bias Incident Reporting System that allows students to report bias and hate incidents on campus. However, the question remains if this also extends to white students as the university continues to promote hate and division among its students. Microaggressions and Their Effects on White Students One of the critical concepts in DEI is microaggressions. These are subtle, often unintentional, acts of discrimination that can significantly impact marginalized groups. While the goal of addressing microaggressions is to create a more inclusive environment, some argue that it promotes a victim mentality, stifles free speech, and promotes hate toward whites. Microaggressions can also have a significant impact on white students. They can feel that they are being unfairly targeted and cannot express their opinions without being labeled as racist or privileged. This can damage their mental health and hinder their ability to succeed in the real world, which many believe is the underlying aim of DEI ideologies. The Debate Over DEI in Universities and How it is Creating a Mental Health Crisis Amongst White Americans The debate over DEI in universities is a heated one. The impact of DEI on students' mental health is also a concern, particularly for white students. Studies have shown that white students are experiencing a mental health crisis due to DEI initiatives. They feel that they are being unfairly targeted and cannot express their opinions without being labeled as racist or privileged. This can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and isolation, which can significantly impact their ability to succeed in college and beyond. In addition to the white population, there is further evidence that if an individual identifies as white, with Christian, Jewish, or Catholic ties, they might even be a bigger target for aggressors. Tips for Parents to Navigate DEI in Universities and Protect Their Children If your child is attending a DEI-focused university, there are several things you can do to protect them. First, be aware of their campus's DEI initiatives and how they affect their education. Talk to your child about their experiences and encourage them to express their opinions on and off campus, ask to see their textbooks, and inquire about campus events or mandatory campus training. You should also encourage your child to think critically, independently and how to identify psychological tactics that defy logic. Teach them to question what they are being taught and respectfully express their opinions. Encourage them to seek out alternative viewpoints and to debate openly and honestly. Finally, consider alternative universities offering well-rounded education promoting critical thinking and intellectual diversity. The best way to protect your child's mental health is to not send them to known universities promoting DEI ideologies. Do not assume a private Christian university will be free of DEI ideology. Any university that accepts federal funding should be questioned and investigated. Alternatives to DEI-Focused Universities Several alternative universities offer a well-rounded education that promotes critical thinking and intellectual diversity. These universities focus on providing a broad education that prepares students for the real world rather than promoting a specific ideology. Some of these universities include St. John's College, The Great Books Program at the University of Chicago, and Hillsdale College. These universities are known for their rigorous academic programs that promote critical thinking and intellectual diversity. Stand against DEI and protect the Civil Rights Act of 1964 from neoliberal toxic ideologies.